
Spiritual Centers – Temples in Seattle

Last updated on March 3rd, 2022

Spiritual Centers - Temples in Seattle, Hindu Temple in Seattle, Buddhist Temple in Seattle

Known for the coastal blues, lush greenery, cosmopolitan nature amongst the techies of this Emerald City, Seattle never fails to amaze the tourists with the spiritual destinations and their religious grandeur. As Seattle is the home to many religions, it respects cultural diversity spread across the city that won’t let you feel inferior in any way. Profound believers of religion and spirituality, Seattleites have attained the art of living a minimal and healthy life through it. When it comes to exploring religious and spiritual sites in Seattle, the picturesque view of tall angelic churches and ornate temples attains the top of the bucket list. Let’s explore spiritual centers and temples in Seattle virtually!

  • Bellevue Hindu Temple & Cultural Center(Bellevue, Seattle):

Keeping in mind the Hindu religious views & ethics, an initiative of bringing together the Hindu community to practice cultural traditions led to the establishment of Bellevue Hindu Temple in Seattle along with a Cultural Center. The practice of secularism in Bellevue Temple is noteworthy because it believes in serving the social community to meet their necessities of life like food, shelter, & clothing irrespective of religion. Yoga classes, Music & Language training sessions are offered as a means to attain educational teachings. This Hindu Temple in Seattle welcomes everyone to the sessions.

  • Gold Summit Monastery(Lower Queen Anne Area, Seattle):

Incredible life teachings of Gautam Buddha hold a notable place in the hearts of Seattleites that makes them long for a sacred Buddhist Temple in Seattle. Gold Summit Monastery is one such monastery established in 1984, looked after by the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association. While acknowledging the principles of Buddha, Mahayana is the basis of a study that focuses on moral ethics(Vinaya School). Daily meditation classes, chanting names of Buddha(Chan School & Pure Land School), chanting of Buddhist mantras(Secret School), and educational lessons on Buddhist scriptures are provided in this Holy place which is worth a visit.

  • Christ Our Hope Catholic Church( Downtown, Seattle):

With a motto of spreading Faith, Hope, and Love through the teachings of Christianity, Christ Our Hope Catholic Church is a sacred place to offer spiritual lessons to the common masses. With a total of seven sacraments like Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony, different outreach programs are organized in the church. The Immersion Program, an outreach program, carries significance in the lives of Seattleites because it offers a day to build healthy relationships with brothers and sisters through prayers, service, reflection, and fellowship.

  • Hanuman Nagri( Des Moines Memorial Dr, Seattle):

Founded in 2000, Hanuman Nagri tends to give the deep-rooted feeling of Hinduism present in the Hindus through the cultural and religious practices carried out in the grand celebrations of Holi, Ram Navami, Diwali, Shiv Ratri, and Krishna Janmashtami. With the worship of deities like Hanuman and Ram-Laxman-Sita, the people find solace in receiving individual counselling, social and academic training sessions to enrich the lives of individuals. Venture around the religious sites of Seattle and learn the art of spirituality: a way towards building a balanced life.


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